Kiwi Commercial Cleaning NZ Limited - New Zealand
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Company name
Kiwi Commercial Cleaning NZ Limited
Level Three 51 Hurstmere Road,, Auckland, New Zealand
Contact number
0508 522 532
Website address
Establishment year 2015
Employees 1-5
Company description
At Kiwi Commercial Cleaning we have a simple saying “cleaning with meaning.” Although this might sound like a simple promise, it really is the basis to everything we do. It feeds into the way our customers feel about us, and also what using us says about them when they share our details with other potential clients that are looking to procure cleaning services or change to a more reliable provider.
But that simple phrase ‘cleaning with meaning’ also defines how we recruit and train our team. How we support them as the front face of our business determines how we shape our brand from the inside out. It’s important to us that our team is satisfied and motivated, that they feel secure and that they understand the importance of hygiene for our clients so they can embrace
All of this contributes to our long-established history of providing a leading service to all of our clients across an extensive array of sectors. This one little phrase drives the engine of our business, retains our team and nurtures the relationships we build with clients to the point that they become advocates for us contributing to our organic year on end growth.
Aside from the internal and external perspective of our business, for the past decade our management team have taken ‘cleaning with meaning’ one step further, implementing ways that our organisation as a whole can positively impact the communities we operate within. One of our main recent positive impact partnerships is with Child Matters, a charitable trust set up to reduce child abuse and neglect. Their objective is something we have always felt deserves our additional support, up-skilling those working and interacting with children, young people and their families and whānau so they are able to identify risks concerning vulnerability and abuse while possessing the knowledge and confidence to take appropriate action.
We are reliable, accountable, affable and easy to approach. All important ingredients for our recipe for success.
But that simple phrase ‘cleaning with meaning’ also defines how we recruit and train our team. How we support them as the front face of our business determines how we shape our brand from the inside out. It’s important to us that our team is satisfied and motivated, that they feel secure and that they understand the importance of hygiene for our clients so they can embrace
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their purpose and know they are making a difference that is appreciated. Our investment in their training gives them confidence and pride that they are not just a 'cleaner'.All of this contributes to our long-established history of providing a leading service to all of our clients across an extensive array of sectors. This one little phrase drives the engine of our business, retains our team and nurtures the relationships we build with clients to the point that they become advocates for us contributing to our organic year on end growth.
Aside from the internal and external perspective of our business, for the past decade our management team have taken ‘cleaning with meaning’ one step further, implementing ways that our organisation as a whole can positively impact the communities we operate within. One of our main recent positive impact partnerships is with Child Matters, a charitable trust set up to reduce child abuse and neglect. Their objective is something we have always felt deserves our additional support, up-skilling those working and interacting with children, young people and their families and whānau so they are able to identify risks concerning vulnerability and abuse while possessing the knowledge and confidence to take appropriate action.
We are reliable, accountable, affable and easy to approach. All important ingredients for our recipe for success.
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