Foodzilla - New Zealand
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81 New North Road, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021, New Zealand
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2017Company description
In 2017, a report revealed that New Zealand was ranked as the third most obese country in the world. This prompted an investigation into the reasons for obesity and how people consume food. It was discovered that the average person does not know the nutritional value of their meals, especially when eating out. Many fast food chains and restaurants do not make it easy to find the nutritional values of their food, or the data is simply unavailable. People are also unaware of how many calories they need to eat in a day. In response to this, technology was brought into the nutrition world in an effort to solve these issues. The first product of this initiative was the Foodzilla mobile app, which was released to the public in 2017 on the App Store. This app allows users to analyze nutrition
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and ingredients in meals simply by taking a photo. Since then, the app has been tried by over 20,000 people and has analyzed more than 25,000 meals. This has provided valuable insight into how, when, and what people eat.Location map
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