Localist - Tauranga City, New Zealand
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Q Building, 88 Coast Boulevard, Papamoa, Tauranga City, New Zealand
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Quentin van HeerdenEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
Localist aims to inspire Kiwis to learn about and support local businesses. To reach motivated customers and target the appropriate individuals at the right time, Localist is a crucial digital marketing tool for business owners. You can track the effectiveness of your listing, interact with potential and current customers, and create an online community with an interactive dashboard.
Additionally, Localist allows you to sell your goods and services with a monthly fee that’s less than a cup of coffee! Localist, an online business directory with over 200,000 listings, is the go-to resource for clients looking for goods and services like yours. Localist is a business hub, from plumbers to locksmiths, beauticians, and hairdressers.
The time is now! Create your listing today via our
Additionally, Localist allows you to sell your goods and services with a monthly fee that’s less than a cup of coffee! Localist, an online business directory with over 200,000 listings, is the go-to resource for clients looking for goods and services like yours. Localist is a business hub, from plumbers to locksmiths, beauticians, and hairdressers.
The time is now! Create your listing today via our
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website. You can start reaching more customers than ever before in just three simple actions. It's that simple and all for less than a cup of coffee a month.Listed in categories
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