Health and Sports Fitness Club - Auckland City, New Zealand
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Health and Sports Fitness Club
2A Morningside Drive Kingsland Auckland New Zealand, Auckland City
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Company description
Health and Sports Fitness Club is a sports and fitness gym that provides health and fitness classes, advanced gym facilities, and physiotherapy services to members in the Mt Eden, Mt Albert and Kingsland areas.
The gym offers a no-obligations, full facilities free trial that lasts for an entire three days, allowing prospective members to test out the fit of the club before investing in a membership. Because of their location in Morningside, they can easily cater to members in the surrounding areas. Their facilities include standard gym equipment consisting of cardio gear, free weights, and state-of-the-art machines, as well as a 25 metre indoor pool and group fitness classes to encourage a new kind of sweat session. Friendly staff roam the gym during staffed hours, providing personal
In addition to the standard facilities, Health and Sports Fitness Club also offers a true rarity - it is one of few gyms with childcare in Auckland, so parents are able to get in their daily workout with the assurance that their children are well looked-after. Health-oriented clients with any injuries can utilise their Kingsland physiotherapy services, where the aim of the expert physiotherapists is to restore them to a point where they no longer need ongoing care, if possible.
The gym offers a no-obligations, full facilities free trial that lasts for an entire three days, allowing prospective members to test out the fit of the club before investing in a membership. Because of their location in Morningside, they can easily cater to members in the surrounding areas. Their facilities include standard gym equipment consisting of cardio gear, free weights, and state-of-the-art machines, as well as a 25 metre indoor pool and group fitness classes to encourage a new kind of sweat session. Friendly staff roam the gym during staffed hours, providing personal
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training as well as off-the-cuff tips to all patrons, aiming to provide an easy touch-point for any questions or concerns.In addition to the standard facilities, Health and Sports Fitness Club also offers a true rarity - it is one of few gyms with childcare in Auckland, so parents are able to get in their daily workout with the assurance that their children are well looked-after. Health-oriented clients with any injuries can utilise their Kingsland physiotherapy services, where the aim of the expert physiotherapists is to restore them to a point where they no longer need ongoing care, if possible.
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