Curves - Invercargill City, New Zealand
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53 Yarrow Street, Invercargill City Centre, 9810, New Zealand
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A Curves 30 minute fitness center is a woman's gym that provides a total body workout. With both aerobic exercise for weight loss and strength training for toned muscles, a Curves workout provides an exercise plan that can burn up to 500 calories in just 30 minutes. Curves clubs also offer a nutrition program and diet solution that provides permanent results without permanent dieting. is an online subscription program that's the perfect nutritional complement to your Curves gym membership. Curves provide a complete solution for women to reach their weight loss, fitness, and health goals. Curves is the largest fitness and health club franchise in the world dedicated to providing affordable, one-stop exercise and nutritional information for women. Curves provides gyms
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for ladies in over 70 countries including the USA, Canada, Australia, England, South Africa, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Japan, Spain, Mexico, France, Greece, Netherlands, and many other countries in Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa.Listed in categories
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