La Luce Hair Salon - New Zealand
La Luce Hair Salon
1 Review
La Luce Hair Salon11 Mc Quoid Place, Glenfield, North Shore, 629(09) 4447266
Company name
La Luce Hair Salon
11 Mc Quoid Place, Glenfield, North Shore, 629, New Zealand
Contact number
(09) 4447266
Listed in categories
La Luce Hair Salon11 Mc Quoid Place, Glenfield, North Shore, 629(09) 4447266
Service was initially good. However, now that the trading hours are shorter and limited, service level has dropped off slightly. Two clashed appointments. The first time the appointment was missed because the owner double booked. The second time however was slightly controversial. After some exchange of text messages, I sent the last message to the owner to confirm that I would like to take up the slot that she mentioned earlier. The owner mentioned that a message was sent to my phone to inform me of an alternative available slot because the original slot was taken - which I would be more than happy to take up. However, because of an issue with the owner's iMessage (I am guessing data issue on the owner's part), the message was not delivered and I did not received the message. So I turned up at the first suggested time and day. However, I was turned away. What was really disappointing was that the owner had not checked to make sure that the message was successfully sent. Also a disappointing fact was that there was no follow up call to make sure that I received the message. When I gave her feedback, this was not well received. The owner suggested that I SHOULD NOT blame her for the error. She was hinting in a way that I should blame the iPhone (her iPhone). I was really disappointed to hear this comment. Phone calls are relatively cheap these days and in my opinion should be part of the customer service and cost to the salon. No apology whatsoever to say that she should have checked her message to make sure that it was sent. When an alternative time was given when I was turned away, the owner was quite rigid about the timing and no ley way was given. No offer to come back with discounted haircut the next time. Just the word sorry and she looked at me blank faced. I am thinking she didn't even know how to handle the situation properly. Is this the kind of customer service others get as well or is it just me?
Hint: Just make sure you have got a confirmed booking in writing. As it is only a person salon, no proper system is in place.
Hint: Just make sure you have got a confirmed booking in writing. As it is only a person salon, no proper system is in place.
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