Hiking New Zealand - Christchurch City
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Company name
Hiking New Zealand
27A Horotane Valley Road, Heathcote, 8022, Christchurch City, New Zealand
Contact number
+64 3 376 6483
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Company description
Hiking New Zealand and beyond...Hiking New Zealand is New Zealand's hiking and outdoor adventure specialist! We offer hikes, tours and adventure to suit all people and all fitness levels/ Great Hikes suit people looking for a short get-away of 3-7 days. Each fabulous day's hiking is followed by a delicious meal, comfortable accommodation and usually a hot shower as well! Covering the journey on foot, by jet-boat, water taxi or kayak in a specific region of New Zealand, you will be guided through areas of pristine wilderness, rare beauty and awe-inspiring majesty. Hiking Safaris are for people looking for a unique hiking experience that combines multi-day hikes with kayaking, caving and camping. An unforgettable outdoor experience in remote wilderness areas with a small and social group.
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Hikers participate in all aspects of the safari; decision making, cooking, and camp set-up. Hiking Tours are for people wanting to participate in day hikes and a variety of other activities. Options might include cycling, kayaking, hiking, caving, viewing wildlife and glacier hiking in iconic New Zealand locations. Hiking Tours range from 5 - 20 days and offer an excellent way to see a large portion of New Zealand. Optional activities allow you to choose how much or how little you pack into each day. Adventures suit people looking for something a little different. Challenge yourself with something new or follow your passion: sailing, mountain biking, rafting, skiing or horse riding in some of New Zealand's most beautiful locations. Expeditions are for people with dreams of travel to Antarctica, the Sub Antarctic Islands, Western Pacific and Russia's Far East. Focussed on conservation, you can expect to learn about your surroundings, and with only 48 passengers, a great camaraderie is formed. Beyond NZ is a selection of hiking and adventure travel holidays beyond the New Zealand shores. From sailing around the Pacific Islands to trekking across the majestic Overland Track in Tasmania, be inspired by our beautiful world.Our advice is free so contact us with your travel questions.Enjoy the outdoors!Listed in categories
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