Review of ADT Neva Alone

Review for:
ADT Neva Alone

Yesterday 5-4-15 my wife suffered a severe angina attack which necessitated me to activate the installed Neva Alone alarm at 9.15 am which then advised me that a message had been sent and a contact would be made. EIGHT MINUTES later we got that contact but the call was on a very bad line making it difficult at times to understand what was required. The ambulance was requested and arrived within minutes of that request.
However the initial response took EIGHT MINUTES. To me that is NOT satisfactory as a response time as if this had been a stroke then who knows what the consequences might have been. A 111 call would have given me a quicker response with the ambulance being only minutes from our house.

As a former Service Manager of an International Company I know that you will appreciate this information so that suitable action can be implemented as necessary.

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