Wink Audio Book

Wink Audio Book
About the product
Wink is a modern day parable of a nine year old boy on a journey to the "Well of Wealth", with a crumpled one dollar note, an inquisitive mind, and a host of intriguing and mysterious characters as his allies. Each of the characters he meets on his journey have built their wealth in very different ways, and yet, there is something about them that is common to them all.

The keys to wealth are in a story behind the story... can you discover what they are?

This fictional tale makes you think deeper as to the dynamics of wealth creation. The keys to wealth are in a story behind a story. To find the keys, you need to become better at seeing as "What you see is always what you get." Each reading will help you to discover more keys, until one by one, they will unlock the doors to your wealth.
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