NZ Boat Valuations - New Zealand
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NZ Boat Valuations
Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
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Establishment year 2016
Employees 1-10
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Company description
NZ Boat Valuations, led by Skip Connor, is a company specializing in maritime asset valuations, from large commercial fleets of ships to individual small commercial fishing vessels. If you need a valuation for sales value, pre purchase value, insurance purposes, government arrest, annual company accounting, matrimonial disputes or any other reason, our company is the ideal choice for you. We use industry-best practices and have set up our operations to work in conjunction with our team of maritime professionals, providing the highest standards in maritime and ship valuations. Our senior personnel, including Offshore Masters, Marine Consultants and Marine Brokers, have a combined 50 years of valuation experience. NZ Boat Valuations is a full member of the International Association of
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Marine Consultants and Surveyors (IAMCS). We have our headquarters in New Zealand and continue to expand our regional customer base with valuations in New Zealand, Australia, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, American Samoa and the Tahitian Islands.Listed in categories
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