Heel Podiatry - Auckland City, New Zealand
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Heel Podiatry
51 David Crescent, Newmarket, Auckland City, New Zealand
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(09) 631 5505
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Sore feet show on your face, you do not have to live with this!If you are suffering from any nail conditions, corns, callouses, cracked heels, bunions or even just achy feet, knees or hips it's time that you give yourself some relief.Leonie Newton at Heel Podiatry looks forward to showing you how her podiatry treatments can cure and further prevent future foot pain so you can put your best foot forward.Heel Podiatry. Pain free or your money back. Guaranteed.At Heel Podiatry, we offer a variety of treatments. At the initial consultation your feet will go through a diagnostic process and from there you'll receive a pain free foot treatment specific to your needs.Orthotics: Clinically handcrafted foot inserts, tailored to support and align your feet correctly preventing future foot, knee, or
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hip pain.Nail Surgery: Instant relief from ingrown or painful toenails providing a long term solution.Verruca Removal: Advice and surgical treatment.Maintenance: palliative work to remove callouses, corns and cracked heels, with advice tailored to the requirements of your feet. Leonie's journey started over 30 years ago when she discovered her love for feet.After achieving a Diploma in Podiatry Leonie studied at the University of London to become New Zealand's first podiatrist to receive a Bachelor in Science.With a Dip Pod NZ and BSc in hand she started working with people to show them what beautiful feet looked and felt like. Over the years I discovered that podiatry wasn't just about fixing feet, it was about connecting with people and developing a good relationship. That's why when you leave Heel Podiatry you won't feel like it's just your feet that have been cared for, it will feel like your whole self has been taken care of.Listed in categories
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