Online Casino Bonuses Available to New Zealand Players

Entertainment26 Jul, 2024

The world of online casinos has certainly seen a surge in popularity over the past years. This rise in popularity is down to a few things, such as advanced technology, immersive features and clever bonus options. Now, this article aims to focus on the latter in that list, so if you're not sure what bonus options look like then you're in for a treat because you're about to know all there is to know.

As you most likely know, there are so many different online bonuses out there and you've most likely already thought that trying to understand each of them is rather tricky, so again, you're very much in luck as this article aims to make this information as easy to comprehend as possible. Without further ado, it's time to get into it.

Welcome Bonuses

The most popular online bonus that can be seen from far and wide is the welcome bonus that online casinos offer on this page of their site. It's the bonus that most players can't wait to get their hands on and is certainly a great option for those new to the game as you do not need to do much to get your hands on it, all you have to do is be new and just like that you have a welcome bonus in your pocket. A helpful tip to know here is that you should peruse as many online platforms as you can before you really buckle down on the welcome bonus you're after, as you want to ensure that you're getting the most for your sign-up. Don't choose an online platform that offers you only the bare minimum, go for the one that offers as much as possible. One thing to note here is that what is usually offered are free spins and free tokens, so go for the platform that offers the most of these.

Deposit Match Bonuses

Another nifty digital bonus that you should keep your eyes open for is the deposit match bonus. Now, this one is often seen as slightly more confusing than the rest, which honestly doesn't make so much sense because the idea behind it is rather straightforward and rather clever actually. The deposit match bonus allows you to put down a certain investment when signing up with a site, just as you would anyway but the benefit that you get is that the online casino then offers to put down a certain amount, as the name implies, 'to match your deposit'. It's easy to understand with an example: So say you put down $100 as your playing investment and the online casino offers a 50% deposit match – this means that you will receive an additional $50 directly from the online casino, just because you chose a good percentage. Some online casinos offer even more, such as 100% or 200% so keep your eyes open for the one that is going to benefit you best.

Payment Method Bonuses

One of the most interesting things about this digital age is all the changes that are cropping up on a daily basis. Just think about currencies and how much they have changed over time. Many moons ago, you were stuck with gold and silver, then suddenly things turned over to fiat currencies and now, a lot of the world has gone digital. Not just digital as in making an EFT (electronic funds transfer) but actually digital money such as cryptocurrencies, which is truly very different from anything anyone knew of before and you can bet a pretty penny that online casinos are turning this to their advantage, one way or another.

Online casinos have learned to steer their customers in the direction that suits them, especially when it comes to payment methods. Now, as you most likely already know, making payments with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum goes pretty quickly and doesn't involve very many charges, if any at all. Therefore, online casinos have done all they can to get players to make payments using certain advantageous payment methods of theirs, with cryptos coming in on top. Just think about it. With crypto, online casinos can rest assured that any payment made to them is sent directly to them, without them needing to wait a day or two, plus, the fees are much lower than traditional payment methods as there is no physical bank attached, which is a win for the casino (and the player, actually). This is why online casinos do all they can to encourage certain payment methods through what is known as a payment method bonus. This bonus also usually comes in the form of free spins and free tokens and is great for players with access to cryptos as it makes their playing time so much more enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

As you can see from the above, there are many online casino bonuses available to players in New Zealand. If you're a new player, it might be an idea to spend a bit of time on a platform and look around till you find the online casino bonus that suits you best. Don't worry about choosing one that is popular, just go for one that makes sense to you and then take it from there. There are so many different ones to choose from so you're bound to find something useful.

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