Dog & Puppy Training

Dog & Puppy Training
About the product
- Did your dog fail puppy school?
- Does your dog tends to pull on the lead, destroy the house when you are away or jump on visitors?
- Is it embarrassing to go outside with your dog so you prefer to stay indoors most of the time?
- Is your dog uninterested in treats at all?
- Are you about to give up?

- If you recently got a puppy
- You are a hands on learner
- You prefer to prevent issues rather than dealing with behaviour problems later on

If you said yes to any of these questions, Call me today on 021 0450 440 or [email protected]. I offer simple hands-on dog training. 18 years experience teaching people how to communicate with your dog in Peru Australia and now in New Zealand.

Call me today 021 0450 440 or email [email protected]
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