General Office Services

General Office Services
About the product
Is paperwork getting on top of you? Perhaps you're a sole-trader, a small business owner, or you're looking for temp cover while your secretary is away? Flex Administration can solve your office worries.

Flex Administration provides experienced admin and office services for businesses in Christchurch and around Canterbury. We're proudly flexible, efficient, and accurate at all times, with hours and services to suit your specific needs. There's no need to hire an employee, or worry about how to fill that temporary leave.

Flex Administration can help your Christchurch based or Canterbury owned business with:

• Word Processing: Are you a great communicator, but sometimes have trouble putting it into words? Do letters and emails take ages? Our Flexecutives are accurate and fast typers, saving you time and eliminating mistakes.

• Data Entry: We'll keep your records accurate, and up-to-date.

• Proof Reading: Spelling errors and grammatical mistakes can give people the impression you’re unprofessional. Our Flexecutives can quickly review and correct your presentations, letters or trade quotes so you make the best first impression.

• Spread-sheeting: We are excellent at Xcel, and can quickly create tables, documents or spreadsheets for whatever you need.

Is there something we haven't mentioned, but you need help with around the office? No problem. Contact us on 021555448 or [email protected] and we'll be happy to create a flexible plan to solve your office worries.
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